*T&C’s apply. Single use only. Cannot be redeemed with any other offer. The 10% discount is applicable to physio, massage or pilates. Valid for 1 year from when the SMS was received. Refer to offer when booking to apply discount.
*T&C’s apply. Single use only. Cannot be redeemed with any other offer. The 10% discount is applicable to physio, massage or pilates. Valid for 1 year from when the SMS was received. Refer to offer when booking to apply discount.
Pelvic health physiotherapy is a specialised area in the physiotherapy profession that has been gaining more public attention in the last few years. And with good reason too- up to 70% of women suffer from leaking of urine when they cough, sneeze or laugh, or are unable to hold on if they are rushing to the toilet. Pelvic floor physiotherapy is also useful during and after giving birth to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. But there are many other things that your pelvic health physiotherapist can help you with that you may not know about. Read more
Opinion column, by Megan Thomas
“First one in the shower wins!” I call out to my two children in order to achieve the first step in the evening routine as quickly as possible.
They race off, pushing and shoving their way past each other to the bathroom. Neither of them ask “wins what?” – all that seems to matter is one of them will be first, and to my relief, that’s enough to drive the evening shower motivation.
So, what is it about a challenge that we love so much?
‘Nothing,’ I hear some of you say. I beg to differ. I think there is an in-built competitive drive in all of us, just some (like me) are more wired than others.
The aspect of challenge is what makes us successful, no matter how small the success is (from passing a test, getting a date, being fit, or even beating your sibling to the bathroom).
Join experienced instructor Michelle Castelani for our Beginners Pilates Course and you will develop the knowledge, experience and confidence to participate in regular timetable Pilates classes at PhyxMe Fitness Studio.
I have long-term low back pain and tightness, but love working out and challenging myself. In the past I have enjoyed Pilates but had to give up regular group classes because of my back issue. My new Q Pilates program not only incorporates Pilates principles but it also addresses other areas needing strengthening (not just my lower back).
PhyxMe and On Running invites the Cairns running, walking and active community to Come and Try the world’s lightest performance running shoes. These events provide a unique opportunity to try on different styles of On shoes and actually go out for a run (or walk) so you can experience “Running on Clouds”.
By Megan Thomas, Senior Physiotherapist
When it comes to community beliefs about low back pain (LBP)
50% believe pain in the back means that the back is damaged
almost 90% believe that ignoring pain can damage the back and
70% believe there is ongoing weakness in the back following an episode of LBP (Darlow et al 2000)
Despite these popular beliefs, the spine is a strong structure and serious underlying structural causes are rarely the cause of LBP. Furthermore, the association between MRI findings of disc degeneration, disc bulges and LBP disability are weak (Deyo 2002).
Injury rates in active sports playing children and teenagers are on the rise. As training methods advance and competition increases in intensity, our children are in turn placing more demand on their bodies.
Recent research by Raisanen et al., in 2018 found that half of all children between the ages of 11 and 16 engaging in competitive sports had sustained at least one injury in the previous 12 months.
Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most, live the longest. Just about every day in the PhyxMe clinic, I see people of all ages injure themselves as a result of the stress that the milestone birthday (usually over 40) can cause.
So many of my patients injure themselves in the struggle to achieve fitness goals prior to the big 40, 50 or 60 birthday celebrations. Luckily by the age of 70 they finally seem grateful to be there and stop trying to be younger than they are.