By Lauren Sambell, Physiotherapist
Rigid versus kineseology sports taping
The two most common types of tape used for sports injuries and conditions are rigid and kinesiology.
In this short video, Lauren explains the difference.
The two most common types of tape used for sports injuries and conditions are rigid and kinesiology.
In this short video, Lauren explains the difference.
I started to notice a common response when asking friends, family, patients and collagues how they were.
Invariably, they would say: “BUSY!” This was then followed by a drained ‘you know what I mean’ kind of expression that would come across their faces.
Q: I was involved in a minor car accident two years ago, however I suffered a serious soft tissue injury to my neck. With my injury now stable and my orthopaedic surgeon recommending I get back to exercising, what activity do you recommend I undertake to restore my fitness? Will I need regular physio as well?
Research shows that high impact sport is likely to be associated with urinary incontinence.
However most studies are done on professional athletes only. To determine whether this also held true for non professional athletes, a study of 176 adult netball players was conducted in South Australia with some alarming results.
When you hurt or injure yourself, how do you know which health professional to get help from?
I constantly see posts on social media asking for recommendations.
PhyxMe owners and physiotherapists Chris and Megan Thomas were profiled as part of Tropic Magazine’s cover story for the April-May issue. The Next Gen Index features an exciting and inspirational group of local Cairns under-40s making waves in business, sport and the arts.